Cloud Connectors - SharePoint

Configuring a Sharepoint Connector

Before you can connect to sharepoint site you will need to create an api user.

browse to :

here you need to create an app :

  • press genere cliendid and secret
  • save them on the side as you will need them after
  • title - put the name of your app user
  • on app domain and redirect uri , you can put the ip of your site(we are not using them)

then go to the admin site :

  • put the appid you created before on the appid field and press lookup
  • it should show you all the info you created before
  • on the permission xml put
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
  <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/tenant" Right="FullControl" />

  • press create

on the admin site

  • press more feature and then apps
  • press again more feautre and then app permission
  • you will see the user you create with a @

example :

  • save all the text after the @ (realmid)

now on the dmax :

  • create a cloud connector
  • give it an name
  • on folder write "Shared Documents" if you want the default folder of your sharepoint , or the folder name where you want to put the files
  • choose sharepoint
  • fill all the field from the infomation saved before
  • press test and it should be working good

you can now use the sharepoint connector on your flow policy