CLI advance values
Value | description | default valeue |
MAX_SFTP | when SFTP is source in policy. the number of simultaneus files downloaded localy | 5 |
APIPOLLTIME | number of milliseconds to wait for new files thru API | 1000 |
BUSYRENAME | try to rename file to see if it is locked or being used | false |
LIMITSIMULTANEUS | limit the number of files that can be in the queue from the same directory | 0 |
COUNTFILES | numer of files to limit simultaneus if LIMITSIMULTANEUS=1 | 10 |
SMALLSPEED | if equals 1 it will not wait 200ms per file to see that the files is not being used | 0 |
BLOCK_BIG_FILE | if BLOCK_BIG_FILE=1 blocks files bigger than the policy allowed , if equals 0 it will bypass them | 0 |
SFTPTIMEOUT | connection TIMEOUT for sftp connections as destination(in ms) | 300000 |
TMPCOPY | when file is being copied to destination, it will be added to the name ".tmp" | false |
TMPDIR | if enabled in combination of TMPCOPY it will copy the files to a temp directory and then moved to the destination (works only on cloud or local connectors) | false |
SUFFIXDIR | if configured , it will add this directory name to any file copied to the destination | null |
UPLOAD_TIMEOUT | time to wait in ms for the finish of the file upload to Opswat | 360000 |
ONLYEXT | if configured as true , the file profile will match only for the end of the string | false |
MAX_FILE_NAME | MAX file name size - if bigger it will make it short with a ~1 on the end of the name | 150 |
DELETENOTMOVE | Delete the source file and it doesn't move it to the destination | false |
ARCHIVEAPI | if configured it will save a copy of the original file thru api in apidata/temp/ | false |
SUFFIXQUAR | add to quarantine files the extention of .SUFFIXQUAR | false |
BYPASSDIRS | if true it will not do the subfolder - works on cifs only | false |
TEXTMODE | if true it will write a report of blocked files in text format not in pdf format | false |
ICAPTIMEOUT | Timeout to wait for icap connector response | 100000 |
SECONDARYCOPY | to copy the clean file to a secondary location. the value needs to be the ID for the server connector | none |
REVERSESCONDARY | if true only policies that name includes secondarycopy will copy to the secondary location | false |
ICAPTIMEOUTALLOW | if icap timeout it will allow the file | false |
COPYTEMPCIFS | if you want to copy file to a temp directory before copying to the real destination | false |
SRCTEMP | if COPYTEMPCIFS is true , this is the temp directory name (like temp) | none |
SRCPROD | if COPYTEMPCIFS is true, this is the root destination directory (like prod) | none |
ZEROSIZE | if true it will bypass zero size files | false |
Updated about 1 month ago